Tall de cabell i estilisme personalitzat
Cosmetics are substances or products used to enhance or alter the appearance of the face or fragrance and texture of the body.
La teva bellesa, la nostra passió
Cosmetics are substances or products used to enhance or alter the appearance of the face or fragrance and texture of the body.
Hairdressing as an occupation dates back thousands of years. Ancient art drawings and paintings have been discovered.
A barber is a person whose occupation is mainly to cut, dress, groom, style and shave men’s and boys’ hair.
Massage is the manipulation of soft tissues in the body. Massage techniques are commonly applied with hands, fingers, elbows.
A manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands performed at home or in a nail salon.
Aromatherapy uses aromatic materials, including essential oils, and other aroma compounds, with claims for improving.